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Mayor's Corner

Mayor's Letter 05-04-2018 (PDF)

Mayor's Letter 05-25-2016 (PDF)

Mayor's Letter 05-23-2014 (PDF)

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to the Village’s website.  As your new Mayor, I will be working with the clerks and department heads to keep this site updated to help keep you informed.  Board Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm.  Everybody is welcome, please join us.  We will continue to post minutes and department reports on a monthly basis.

On April 10th we held our Annual Organizational Meeting.  During this meeting, newly elected Trustees were sworn in and given appointments.  New Trustees are Marjorie Byrnes, Janet Cappotelli and appointed Trustee Greg Boilard.  Trustee Jerry O’Donoghue was also present, serving the remainder of his 4-year term.  We also discussed the 2018 fiscal year budget, which was voted on and passed.  The Village is fiscally in good shape for 2018.

I am honored and excited to serve the Village as your newly elected Mayor.  As Mayor I promise to listen to all and make informed decisions.  I will always be available to you.  Feel free to stop by the office, make a phone call, or send me a message (see below).

Mayor Scott DiLiberto

May 4, 2018 

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